
Safety knowledge of two-color mold injection processing


In addition to the corresponding changes in the two-color in··· […]

In addition to the corresponding changes in the two-color injection molding machine, the technique of two-color mold design is also the soul of this technology. Two-color mold Two-color injection molding achieves the effect of two-color injection molding of different materials by rotating and shifting.
   Two-color mold Two-color injection molding can usually be divided into two categories:
   The first type has two cavities, and the semi-molded module is transferred 180 degrees into the other cavity by using the rotation mode. The advantage is that the first and second processes can be performed simultaneously.
   The second type is a single cavity. The semi-finished product is rotated 180 degrees together with the mold. The design is relatively simple, but the production efficiency is correspondingly reduced.
   Tips: As the two-color mold or semi-finished product needs to rotate, the two-color mold and two-color injection molding machine and design requirements are more precise.
   Two-color mold two-color injection molding has high variability. If you want to achieve smooth production and meet the expectations, all two-color mold design must be considered simultaneously with the product design, and the popular two-color mold two-color injection molding machine specifications on the market are not uniform, resulting in two-color mold design When considering more problems and less versatility, two-color mold and two-color injection molding manufacturers must pay more attention.
   Two-color mold and two-color injection products are generally composed of hard plastics such as ABS and PC combined with TPE soft plastics, which are suitable for manufacturing tableware, tool handles, watch cases, phone casings and buttons.
   Two-color mold and two-color injection molding production enterprises must pay attention to the following three points in technology:
   1.The fusion of two types of materials;
   2.The complexity of the product;
   3. Adjustment of two-color injection molding machine.
   For example, due to cost or application, there may not be good adhesion between the materials used. Two-color molds and two-color injection molding usually require more debugging work in this regard.